Foundation Pays Tribute to Bishop Melczek

On November 3rd, 2022, the Catholic Foundation for Northwest Indiana and Bishop Robert J. McClory welcomed Bishop Alphonse Quesnel of the diocese of Fort-Liberte’ in Haiti to the annual Friends of the Foundation reception. Both bishops shared their gratitude for the generosity and kindness of Foundation founder and former chairman, the late Bishop Dale J. Melczek.
During his lifetime Bishop Melczek donated over $100,000.00 to establish educational funds for three Catholic high schools (Andrean, Bishop Noll, and Marquette) and to fund education in Haiti. As part of his legacy, Bishop Melczek left $43,000.00 to the Catholic Foundation upon his death for the support of our sister diocese, Fort-Liberte’ in Haiti. Bishop Alphonse announced that a school in Fort-Liberte’ will be named after Bishop Melczek to keep his name alive in the Haitian diocese.
A tribute to the late Bishop Melczek was included in the 2022 Annual Report which was distributed at the reception. To request a copy of the report or make a donation, please email: or call 219-769-9292, ext. 268.