Homily focuses on Prayer and Meditation
I don’t have God, God has me…”
The 11th annual Red Mass was held October 6th in Merrillville, Indiana. Based on a tradition initiated in Europe in 1245, the Red Mass is an opportunity to honor and invoke the Holy Spirit for wisdom. In the Gary Diocese, the Red Mass welcomes all in the legal and financial fields to recommit themselves to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance and to work for justice.
The main celebrant, the Most Reverend Robert J. McClory, shared his words of wisdom: “Remember the necessity of prayer, quiet, silence, reflection in (the) life of all professionals, where the duties…can become so all consuming, demands can be so pressing that the temptation, either intentional or otherwise, is to fill one’s day with everything but not give time to God in the midst of all those pressures and demands.”

Bishop McClory encouraged a 5-step way to expand quiet time and prayer in our lives as a response to the love that God has for us. “Christ himself who is the model for us all, would take those times for prayer, sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes 40 days in the desert to make sure that he was in communion with God the Father.” Christ was nourished by his relationship with God in those moments of silence and prayer, moments of prayer and contemplation.
Bishop recommended a daily method to practice reflection, the Examen, created by St. Ignatius of Loyola. For more details and to hear the complete homily, please click here.