
Choose your fund type

Start a fund with assets of $5,000 or more, and name it to reflect your philanthropic purpose. We can help you determine the most suitable fund type:

Designated Funds

Designated endowments are created by donors wishing to support a particular parish, school, organization or ministry within the Diocese of Gary. Distribution income from these funds is paid directly to the donor’s designated recipient.

Field of Interest Funds

These endowments are established by donors wishing to support a specific ministry or mission within the Diocese of Gary; for example, youth ministries, religious education or clergy support. Distribution income from these funds is allocated among the ministries supporting that specific special interest.

Unrestricted Funds

Unrestricted Endowments allow the Catholic Foundation optimum flexibility in responding to the needs of the Diocese and awarding grants. They are funded by donors who wish to support the overall ministry of the Diocese of Gary and whose charitable gifts are not restricted to a particular purpose.

Check our current funds to see what others have done.

Supporting Foundation

Private foundations are welcome to become part of the Catholic Foundation.